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Sheila: The Australian ingenue who bewitched British society

by Robert Wainwright

First published: February 1, 2014

'This splendid biography evokes the glamour of a vanished age.' Mail on Sunday

'A marvelously entertaining story that at times resembles a glossy television period drama.' Daily Express

'Nothing short of impressive... Wainwright has revived a legend.' The Lady

Vivacious, confident and striking, young Australian Sheila Chisholm met her first husband, Lord Loughborough, in Egypt during the First World War. Arriving in London as a young married woman, she quickly conquered English society, and would spend the next half a century inside the palaces, mansions and clubs of the elite. Her clandestine affair with young Bertie, the future George VI, caused ruptures at Buckingham Palace, with King George offering his son the title Duke of York in exchange for never hearing of Sheila again.

She subsequently became Lady Milbanke, one of London's most admired
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